2022年海南自考4月《英语》真题 · 4

2022年海南自考4月《英语》真题 · 4
V. The following paragraphs are taken from the textbooks, followed by a list of words or expressions marked A to Y. Choose the one that best completes each of the sentences and write the corresponding letter on your Answer Sheet. One word or expression for each blank only. (25 points, 1 point for each)
She appealed to me because she was like people I had met personally. Like women in English novels who walked the moors (whatever they were) with their dogs racing at a respectful distance. Like the women who sat in front of fireplaces, drinking tea from silver trays full of scones and crumpets. Women who walked over the“heath" and read morocco-bound books and had two last names by a hyphen.
To share a bedroom with one of these fellows is to lose one's in human nature, for, even after the most day, there is no comparing notes them, no midnight confidence, no casting up the balance of the day's pleasure and pain.
They , at once, into stupid, heavy slumber, leaving you to your own mental devices. And they all snore !
The senior partner studied the resume for the time and again found nothing he about Mitchell Y. McDeere, at least not on paper. He had the brains, the ambition, the good looks. And he was hungry; with his background, he had to be. He was married, and that was . The fim also frowned on divorce, as well as and drinking.
At the very top, of course, are those people, mostly young and without , towhom the company is not an institution of any sacred merit but still onlya place to work, and who their present association with it as something I put these people at the top because if you asked any one of them if he would choose to spend the rest of his life working for the company, he would give you a No!regardless of what inducements were offered.
There is a difference_ 52 my schooling and the wisdom of the street I know the life of a black man in Watts is 54 than a federal poverty program. If there is no future for the black ghetto, the future of all Negroes is What affects it, affects me, for I am a child of the ghetto. When they do it to Watts,they do it to me, too. I'll never escape from the ghetto. I have my all on its future. Watts is my home.
A. with B. dependents C. diminished D. eventful
E. resounding F. incessantly G. heavily H. between
I . never J . hundredth K. abominably L. yet
M. faith N. corner O. divided P. regard
Q. loyal R. disliked S. womanizing T. larger
U. staked V. mandatory W. sink X. temporary
Y. roaring
本文标签:海南自考 公共课 2022年海南自考4月《英语》真题 · 4
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