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I. Multiple choice:(1%×15=15%)
Directions: Beneath each of the following sentences, there are four choices marked A, B, C and D.Choose the one that best completes the sentence and blacken the corresponding letterA, B, Cor D on the ANSWER SHEET.
1. Most studies on tourism have used narrow definitions to suit particular needs of researchers and government officials.
A.describable B.operational C.workable D. practical
2. Mass customization is the production and sale of large amounts of services.
A.identical B.standardized C.tailor-made D.same
3.Based on the classification given by WTO,visits to a country by nonresidents are called
A. inbound tourismB. outbound tourism
C. domestic tourismD.national tourism
4.The WTO defines a domestic tourist as a traveler visiting a destination in his country of residence for at least hours but less than one year for different purposes.
A.24 B.36 C.48 D.72
5. can be considered the end or goal of leisure.
A. Safety B. Belonging and love C.Esteem D.Self-actualizatior
6. Business travel tends to be all the following EXCEPT
A. price elastic and seasonal
B.big-city oriented
C.influenced by business related attractions such as exhibitions and conferences
D.tailored to each executive's needs
7. In the past few years, negotiations between principals and travel agents have led to higher being paid to travel agents who achieve target sales.
A.charges B.fees C.rewards D.commissions
8. are purpose-designed for regular package holiday series.
A. Shell folders B. Umbrella brochures C. Regular tour brochures D.Tour folders
9. Boeing claims their is the most fuel-efficient of all aircraft flying.
A.737 B.747 C.757 D.767
10. The tourist court, ,and the motor hotel were three of the new facility types that developed in the United States and Canada after World War Il.
A. golf course B. motel
C. fast food restaurant D.budget hotel
本文标签:海南自考 公共课 2022年10月海南自考00837旅游英语选读试卷·1
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